Single Female in Philippines, , Singles in Camarines Sur, Quezon City Female

Makris06: hello...
Seeking: Male Age 25 to 40
Status: 40 Single Straight Female
Interest In: Long-Term Relationship
Ethnicity: Asian
Living: Live with roommates
Eye Catcher: Eyes
Height: 5'2 inches
Body: Average
Hair/Eyes: Black, Black
Smoke: No way
Drink: Only socially
Exercise 2 times a week
Politics: None
Education: Bachelors degree
Religion: Christian
Income: Less than $15,000
Occupation: Did Not Say
Offspring: None
Personality: Adventurous
Country: Philippines

Hello, my name is Kris Paloma
...iM sImPLe nD kInDhEaRtEd PeRsOn...wItH a SiMpLe LiFe...i HatE tHoSe PrEtEnDeRs Nd BaCkBiTtErS pErSoN..i LyK sTaYiNg At HoMe DaN gOiNg OuT nD sTrOlL..dUrInG mY fReE tYm I lOvE 2 liStEn MuSiC wHilE rEaDiNg SuM BoOkS..mNy PiPol sAiD dAt Im A sOrT oF "mAtArAy nD mAaRtE"..wElL pArT oF iT iS tRuE..iM a MoOdY pErSoN, lOvE 2 eAt nD cOoK..i LoVe wEaRiNg rEaVeLiNg DrEsS cOz I cAn ExPrEsS WaT RiLy Am I..sUm pIpOl tInK dAt Im LiBeRaTeD bCoz d wAy i DrEsS dAtS nOt TrUe Is JsT mY fAsHiOn Nd ExPrEsSiNg My SeLf..cOz I dOnT pReTeNd 2 Be SuM1 wHo i Am NOT..8s LyK bEiNg pLaStIc 2 uR sElf..rYt?! i h8 tHosE pErSoN wHo HuRt mY fRiEnDs nD lOvEd oNeS..i aM a PeRsOn hU dOnT bELiEvE n FaItH oR DeStInY..bCoZ wE r tHe 1 hU dEcIdE wAt WiLl gOiNg 2 hApPeN n oUr LIFE..i BeLiEvE dAt lYf iS nOt A mAtTeR oF cHaNcE, iTs a MaTtEr oF cHoIcE!!